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How to Handle Seat Belt Injuries in a Cleveland Car Accident Claim

Close up of woman hand buckle the car safety belt.

Although seat belts are designed to protect passengers and drivers, they can sometimes lead to unexpected injuries. After a car crash in Cleveland, it is important to be aware of seat belt injuries and legal options for including these damages in a claim.

If you or someone you love has been injured by another driver’s negligence, the experienced Cleveland car accident lawyers at Friedman, Domiano & Smith are ready to help you. When you call for a free legal consultation, we will learn more about your unique situation and walk you through potential legal options.

We have been helping injured victims for decades, securing millions in compensation for our clients. Call our law offices today to discuss your situation and learn more about your legal rights. 

Learn more about the legal process in your consultation: 216-621-0070

What Are Seat Belt Injuries?

Seat belts are intended to protect drivers and passengers during a collision by restraining them, evenly distributing weight and preventing ejection from the vehicle. However, the force exerted by seat belts can sometimes cause injuries.

What Are Common Types of Seat Belt Injuries?

Understanding the common types of seat belt injuries can help raise awareness about their potential impact and emphasize the importance of proper seat belt use. The type and severity of seat belt injuries vary and could include:

Chest Injuries

Chest injuries could include:

Fractured Ribs

A seat belt could cause car crash victims to sustain fractures and other complications to the chest area:

Abdominal Injuries and Internal Organ Damage

Internal organ damage refers to any injury or harm to the organs located inside the body, which may include:

Neck and Back Injuries

Neck and back injuries during a car crash typically occur due to the sudden and forceful movement at impact.

Common seat belt injuries to the neck and back may include:

Spinal Injuries

Exacerbation of Pre-Existing Conditions

Seat belt injuries can exacerbate pre-existing back conditions. The force of a seat belt can lead to chronic back pain or degenerative disc disease. Victims may experience worsened symptoms and increased discomfort.

Shoulder Injuries

Seat belts can lead to various shoulder injuries during a collision, often due to:

When Should I Seek Medical Treatment for Seat Belt Injuries?

It is a good idea to seek medical treatment immediately after a car crash to ensure you did not sustain any internal injuries. You should also seek medical care if you experience any of the following symptoms:

How Could Seat Belt Injuries Impact Car Crash Victims’ Lives?

Besides physical health, seat belt injuries could impact car crash victims in several ways such as:

How to Prevent Seat Belt Injuries During a Car Crash?

Seat belts are crucial for safety. If they are not worn properly, however, it could increase the chance of sustaining injuries during a crash.

Drivers and passengers should ensure their seat belt is fastened properly, such as by:

Reach Out to Friedman, Domiano & Smith After Car Accident Injuries

Injured in a Cleveland crash you did not cause? If so, you should not have to try to navigate the complex legal process on your own. When you work with one of the knowledgeable attorneys at our firm, we manage every aspect of your case, keeping you fully informed every step of the way.

If you need assistance or have questions about your specific situation, do not hesitate to reach out to Friedman, Domiano and Smith. There are no upfront fees or obligations. We don’t get paid unless we win your case for you.

Schedule your free consultation today: 216-621-0070.

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