What To Do if the At-Fault Driver Is From Another State

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welcome to ohio road sign

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident is often a challenge when the other driver is from Ohio. However, when the at-fault driver is from a different state, the process can become even more complicated.

Below, our Cleveland car accident lawyers explain common reasons why these collisions occur, the challenges these cases could present, the state laws that govern these claims and the essential steps you should take after an accident.

If you were injured by an out-of-state driver, call to schedule a consultation with us. At Friedman, Domiano and Smith, we have helped many injured car crash victims recover favorable compensation.

No upfront costs. Discuss your case with us today: 216-621-0070.

Common Reasons Why Out-State Drivers Get into Crashes

These are potential reasons out-of-state drivers could cause collisions:

Unfamiliarity With Local Roads

Out-of-state drivers are often not familiar with the roads that they are driving on. This could cause them to make a wrong turn, change lanes suddenly or stop abruptly, increasing the chances of accidents, such as:

Distracted Driving

It is easy for out-of-state drivers to become distracted on the road. They may have to rely heavily on GPS navigation to get to their destination, which could take their eyes off the road. Also, if drivers are sight-seeing new areas, they may not pay attention to what is in front of them.

Fatigue and Long Drivers

If an out-of-state driver has been driving across multiple states, it could be easy for them to become fatigued. When drivers are fatigued, it is easy for them to make mistakes like missing traffic signals or drifting in between lanes.

Different Driving Cultures

Every state has a different driving culture based on its location. For example, in a rural area, drivers may drive slower, while city areas may have more fast and aggressive drivers. Out-state drivers may not be used to the driving norms in that state, which could lead to road rage or an accident.

Weather Conditions

Like driving cultures, weather conditions can change based on location. If an out-of-state driver is used to driving in hot weather, they may be unfamiliar with navigating through snow. They may be more likely to slide on icy roads, which could lead to a collision.

What State Regulations Apply to These Claims?

This is an important question, especially because you are probably unfamiliar with the insurance laws in other states.

Generally, a car crash in Ohio is governed by Ohio laws, even if the driver who caused the collision is from another state. That means you can pursue compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance policy, as most car insurance policies apply in all 50 states.

If the other driver comes from a state with lower minimum limits than Ohio, the at-fault driver’s insurance policy limits would increase to meet the Ohio minimums. However, this is an unlikely scenario, as most drivers purchase more than the minimum required coverage.

If the at-fault driver’s insurance is not able to cover your claim, you could use your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. 

It is important to consult an experienced lawyer who can sort out these issues to pursue full compensation for your damages.

What if the Other Driver is From a No-Fault State?

Many no-fault states still require drivers to purchase liability coverage, so you could still seek compensation from their insurance policy. If they are underinsured, you could use your underinsured motorist coverage.

Steps to Take After a Crash With an Out-of-State Driver

Although you should take these steps after every accident, it is important to take these actions when in an accident with an out-of-state driver so that the legal process does not get too complicated.

Some of the steps that you can take include:

Document the Accident Scene

Take photographs of the vehicles, the surrounding area and any visible injuries. Pictures are crucial for documenting the extent of your damage and injuries. They can provide clear evidence to support your claims in legal proceedings.

Exchange Information

Obtain the other driver’s contact and insurance information. Write down the license plate and the state it is registered in.

Report the Accident

Contact the police to file an official report. A police report provides details of the accident, statements from drivers, witnesses and other involved parties.

Consult an Attorney

Contact an experienced lawyer who understands the complexities of out-of-state driver accidents to guide you through the claims process. He or she should know how to deal with out-of-state collision claim.

Did an Out-of-State Driver Cause Your Crash? Call Friedman, Domiano and Smith

If you have been involved in a car accident and the at-fault driver is from another state, we may be able to assist you with the legal process. 

At Friedman, Domiano and Smith, we have been helping car crash victims obtain compensation for decades. Our team is dedicated to seeking the compensation you need to recover physically, financially and emotionally.

Contact us today for a consultation. There are no upfront costs or fees. We only get paid if we win your case for you. 

Call today for your free consultation: 216-621-0070.


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