Does your loved one show these signs of nursing home abuse?

Nursing homes carry a big responsibility by being tasked with the care of some of society’s most vulnerable individuals. Yet, despite being subjected to a plethora of federal and state laws and regulations aimed at keeping nursing home residents safe, these facilities fail to live up to their duties time-and-again. While some of these shortcomings can be relatively minor, others are severe, including nursing home abuse. If you suspect that your loved one is being abused in a nursing home, then you need to know what to look for so that you can gather the evidence you need to obtain a just outcome.
Signs of nursing home abuse
There are a number of obvious signs of physical abuse occurring in a nursing home. Unexplained bruising and scrapes as well as broken bones and sprains that occur without justification can be telltale signs. But there may be more subtle signs of physical abuse that warrant further inspection, such as broken glasses and red marks on the ankles or wrists that could be indicative of being tied up.
But nursing home abuse can expand beyond physical abuse. It can include emotional and sexual abuse, and well as neglect and financial exploitation. Again, you’ll want to be cognizant of unexplained injuries, symptoms that are similar to dementia such as rocking and mumbling, bedsores, soiled clothing, and even aggressive and belittling behavior exhibited by nursing home staff.
Building your case
If you have concerns about your loved one’s safety in a nursing home, then you need to do whatever you can to protect them, which may include moving them to another residents. Even if you’re just developing suspicions, though, you should still do want you can to document your concerns. Take photographs, speak to your loved one alone, talk to other nursing home residents, and communicate with nursing home staff. Document everything. Oftentimes this documentation is the best evidence to support a legal claim against an abusive nursing home.
We understand that these can be emotional and stressful matters to contend with, especially when you’re concerned about your loved one’s safety. Just know that competent legal teams like ours stand ready to assist you in whichever way they can.
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