Do back injuries qualify for workers’ compensation benefits?

Whether you work in the construction industry or you have an office job, you could suffer the effects of a debilitating back injury. These injuries are more common than people may believe, and they can have long-lasting and agonizing consequences. But at what point does a back injury qualify you to file for workers’ compensation benefits through your employer?
The standard for debilitating injuries
In the workers’ compensation statute, the Ohio legislature defined the types of injuries that qualify a worker for workers’ compensation benefits. The statute says that any injury that occurs during the course of your employment duties qualifies you for benefits.
The injury can’t be merely the result of the natural deterioration of your body, however. In other words, if your back injury is merely the result of growing older or the normal wear and tear of daily life, it won’t qualify. You have to be able to prove that the direct cause of your back injury was your job duties – such as lifting heavy loads, performing repetitive movements, a work-related car accident or some other workplace occurrence.
How you can prove the source of your injury
It’s likely that, when you first file for workers’ compensation benefits, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company will require you to undergo a thorough medical examination. If needed, you can obtain your own independent medical examination to prove the cause of your symptoms.
If you have a doctor’s independent determination that your work conditions caused your injury, and that it wasn’t the natural result of daily life, you shouldn’t have any trouble qualifying for the benefits that you need.
Back injuries can take a long time to heal, and they can be especially painful. Workers’ compensation payments can give you the respite that you need so that you can pay the bills while you make a full recovery. If you’ve suffered a back injury that you believe was caused on the job, it is important to contact an injury attorney to help you determine whether you should file a worker’s compensation claim.
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